Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008

A bath of bullrushes

I had rather limited time for blipping this morning, so decided to go back to the derelict farm buildings for a second shot.  At least I know how long it takes to get there!  Blipping was bookended by the window cleaners who turned up early (but not quite early enough) and OG's monthly outing which I needed to get to with time enough to help him beforehand with form-filling.

This building in the background used to be a chicken shed.  In front of it is an old bath with a silted up plughole.  And bizarrely in it are growing a great bunch of bullrushes.  Pretty neat for the DS challenge, I thought.  Many thanks to Marlieske for hosting.

Thanks for all the love you gave yesterday's and have a happy Thursday evening  xx

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