Dolcezza Della Vita

By Dolcezza

You never know...

Woke up so refreshed this morning! Larry and I drove to the office and introduced ourselves to the receptionist and I asked for a free conference room we could use. We got a lot done today - introduced ourselves to the key people in the office, I gave a small presentation...tomorrow will be busy as well. I stepped out of the office every once in a while just to get some fresh air - weather was perfect! They don't have it so bad here...bottom left is the view from the parking lot - so beautiful!

Surprising evening. I headed to Sunset Beach to relax a bit and ran into someone I met at the office, Brian. He was there doing the same thing I was. Long story short...such an amazing night! Wow! You never really know why people come into your could be for various reasons. He asked me out to dinner, an official date for both of us in a long time! We ate at the Harbor House Cafe. It was just chill - Brian has such a great personality. When you click with someone, you just click.

I got a reminder tonight of what its like to have someone just treat me right. Like open doors...yeah it's something small, but means so much to me. Or to have someone call and make sure you got back home OK, well, the hotel in my case ;) I'm a sucker for a gentleman with manners!

Brian is going through some tough times. To the point where he is questioning a lot of things in life. We watched the sun burn down into the ocean and out of the blue, he just looked me dead in the eyes and said he truly feels like I was sent to save him tonight. Tears filled my eyes. We talked for hours...sometimes it's easier to talk to a stranger. He seems like a great guy-good looking, successful at work, funny, did I mention good looking?! :) It's a waste in a way, of a good man, but I know ppl have said the same abt me lately. That I'm wasting too much time on Noah.

You never know what life has in store for you...every day is different...embrace it! Today was one of the best days that I've had in a long time. I may have saved someone but they did just about the same for me. Restored my faith in men a little ;) And reminded me that I deserve better, so much better...


A year ago...colorful!

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