A new bank account

Went to the bank today to open a new bank account. For those of you who read my Blips regularly you will know I had a big rant about the cost of pet insurance after I lost MollyCollie. See here. By the end of MollyCollie's life I was paying almost £50 per month for pet insurance and that didn't even cover the cost of her osteoarthritis pills. It's a total rip off.

I always vowed that if I ever got another dog I would just open a separate account for it and pay in money every month. Well I haven't yet got another dog, but I decided that as I was used to paying for pet insurance every month I might as well open the account now. So that is what I have done.

And in other news...................... I was at the swimming pool by 8.30am to do my 60 lengths. Coffee with the aquafit ladies and a bit of shopping and sorting out of things and that's been my day.

A quiet evening in front of the TV beckons.

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