Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

OMG, just pick one!

Message to myself after sorting through 350 photos from today.  Honestly, this probably isn't the best image of the day, but my eyes are about to cross and I need to stop dithering over the photos.  So, here you have two of the fabulous Florida Scrub Jays, and endangered species endemic to Florida.  

We started the day early, with a 90 minute drive over to the coast to St. Augustine to visit the rookery.  Several enjoyable hours before we headed down the coast towards Daytona.  A great lunch and a walk on the beach to photograph shorebirds before heading back towards Ocala.  We stopped at the place we visited the other day (where Wade got a totally awesome image of a fluffy scrub jay) and spent another couple of hours luring in families of scrub jays.  

I like this image because it shows the jay with one of its favorite foods, an acorn gathered from the scrub oaks that are it's habitat.  The second bird isn't quite on the same focal plane so isn't in focus, but I still like the image.  Hope you enjoy it too.

Tomorrow we are off on more adventures, some involving more of these wonderful birds.  If you want to have a good laugh, please check out Sefferdog's blip for the day...


A fun photo of Wade in Extra, along with one from the rookery of a Great Egret doing its courtship display

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