Viking Alan

It's been a really mild day, and actually felt warm.  There's been a breeze, but sunny all day.  Rain has come in tonight.

I've been working on the museum desk all day, and had a busy day putting up wedding photos from last night.  We have a new wedding exhibition opening tomorrow, mainly focusing on the dresses.  Me, mam, Elise and friend Julie headed up north for a run tonight.  They've popped by for a cuppa this evening too.  Feet up by the fire now. 

Another weekend, and another Up Helly Aa, today is the Northmavine one.  Guizer Jarl Kevin Jamieson has lead his squad throughout the day, and lead the procession tonight.  I saw plenty of friends and family in the procession, and chatted with them too.  Along with them was cousin Alan Ratter, he's been in the Jarl squad, pictured here with his torch.  Taken near the Hillswick hall.  

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