
By tondrijfhamer

Going home.

It's Monday and we're going home today!!

After breakfast Annemarie and I checked out of the hotel and went back to Bas again.
The surgeon came by again to change Bas' bandages and clean his hand.
It was the first time we all saw his injured hand and that had quite an impact. Bas handled it very well once again. We're so proud of him.

We then had to go to a hand therapist. Bas got a new splint. A smaller one he could travel with. By the time all that was finished it was 12.20 hours so we were just in time for the taxi I ordered at 12.30 hours.
We were on schedule!

I went outside to find our taxi. Nothing.
12.35 still nothing.... How on earth could I find my taxi?? Cars drove on and off, but still nothing for us. The I saw a black Mercedes van waiting at the end of the parking and I decided to ask the driver. He then suddenly held up a huge sign with my name on it. Yes!! What a relief. Our taxi was here.
I ran back to Bas and Annemarie who were waiting in the hall and we then got in the car for a one hour drive across London, to the City Airport.

All went fine. After check in and the usual security hassle we had some time to kill before we could board the plane. Time for Bas to rest a bit.
Luckily the flight was on schedule. We took off at 17.10 and flew back to Amsterdam in 45 minutes.
At arrivals Peter was waiting for us with u huge 'Welcome Home' balloon and he brought us home safely. He dropped me off at Groningen Airport Eelde where my car was. 
We all arrived at home at 22.30 hours where Joke, Daan and Spike gave us a warm welcome.
Around midnight we were all fast asleep.

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