
By wrperry

A Snowy Pileated to Announce TT195 Favorites

I've always loved snowy days when I don't have to be anywhere (who doesn't I suppose), and today I put on my sweatpants and parked myself at the kitchen table.  I waited for the birds to arrive, and before long the yard was overrun with the usual.  It got even better, when this Pileated visited the suet.  I'm wondering if he might be a juvenile, since he has quite a bit of brown in his feathers.

The quiet day also gave me a chance to review this week's Tiny Tuesday images earlier than usual.  It was fun to explore your tiny worlds with you, and again I marvel at your ability to recognize and capture the beauty and detail in the most unexpected places.

There are never enough hearts and HM's to go around, but I had to narrow it down.  So, in no particular order, I chose the following as my favorites this week:

dbifulco for a superb example of DOF, worthy of a tutorial
osuzanna for a "wow" anemone, with super detail and color;  if  you have time, stop by and see a mono version 
john39 - for a capture of tiny little feather detail
maura143 - for a close up that let's us see why we love this little bird
isbi - for everything about this photo, starting with the composition

And Honorable Mentions for:


Thank you to all who participated this week!  Next week, the tag will be T196 and there is no specific theme.  In the mean time, have a great week!

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