Sango Kaku Maple

The maple bark turns a beautiful red in the winter when it has no leaves. I liked the contrast with the blooming narcissus visible through its branches. There's also the hint of a selfie....

My repaired dental crown didn't meet with the dentist's approval so another appointment has been canceled and rescheduled while they make a new one. I am not happy but I suppose that is better than having one that breaks when I bite down on it. If my teeth are moving because there is no temporary, perhaps they will just move together so that I don't need a crown at all! 

The gardeners have been here all day taking out several agaves. They not only have grown a lot but they produce 'pups', and are threatening to populate the entire hill with spiky plants. I am so impressed with they way they tackle the problem. Each frond is not only covered with extremely sharp thorns, but is full of water, and each one is extremely heavy and has to be hand carried down to the green can.  OilMan is dispensing beers now that they are finished. They deserve them.

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