Two Worlds

After the horrible time I've had at the office the last few days I was determined to at least start the day on a high note. This was duly achieved by climbing up above the early morning fog to the cairn and spending a few quiet moments contemplating these two worlds I inhabit. The first, the one up here, exquisitely beautiful first thing, with freedom to run and space to think; the second, the one down below in the thick fog, with responsibilities at work and simply too much difficult stuff to think about.

At least I know about this world up here under open skies. I suspect that there are people down there who never find much escape from all that fog. I need to recognise that I'm very lucky. And I am hoping to leave it behind tomorrow for a few days - if I can get one last problem sorted. I'm still dealing with the aftermath of a small mistake at the beginning of the week which has caused a cascade of issues, necessitating a lot of work to be redone.

So, this blip represents my high. It rapidly went downhill from here, quite literally. Not long after I took this I fell on an icy patch and managed to hit my head on the frozen ground. Then I went flying again and took a heavy blow to the shoulder! I'm usually pretty good at falling but on both these occasions I had the camera in my hand and the first priority was to save that rather than myself. Funny what your instincts can tell you about yourself. This photography has clearly become very important to me.

I've put together a set of mono shots of this amazing morning here.

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