Blip Birthday!

So today marks my 365th blip.. I haven't been blipping for a year, because my blipping hasn't always been consistent, but I was blipping a year ago today and so I had a little look at what I was blipping about... see here

I was apparently listening to a psychology book on my morning run and noticing how much lighter it was in the morning... which is spot on because this week it has also been light by the time I finish my morning runs! 

My interest in psychology has grown, and I look back on my last year as quite transformational.  My blip photo today is of 3 books that have featured in my reading and healing and I want to reflect on how far my journey over the last year has been. It is also appropriate because I spent the evening on poolside getting my book list ready for my book club tomorrow (these books aren't on the list).

Through mindfulness practice and understanding, I have become much more aware of my thoughts, and feelings and am able to remove myself from them slightly - put a distance between the overwhelming thought and self criticism that I have always lived with and can recognise that those things aren't fact, they aren't true... they are just thoughts.  That has been the most fundamental shift in my own mind.

This time last year I was facing a very tumultuous few months ahead and when I look back I'm really not sure how I got through it, but I did. And I can say with certainty that whilst it nearly broke me, I have come out of the journey with confidence, self belief and positive outlook for the future. And now that I have that foundation, I know that the world is my oyster.  If I could get through last year, I can get through anything.

I couldn't decided on a quote for today, so I have several that I hope inspire you:

"A year ago everything was different. And now that I look back, I realise that a year can do a lot to a person."
"Being different isn't a bad thing. It means you're brave enough to be yourself."
"Have the courage to live life the way you want."

So, here is to the next 365... I don't know what they will bring, but I think that they will be good for me. They certainly cant be worse! And a special thank you to everyone who has commented on my blips and made me feel part of a wonderful community because it really has helped me.  

Happy blip birthday to me!

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