
By LifeinAlohaland

Going bananas ...

What could be more pleasurable than eating fruit from one's own garden! Angelo brought us these delicious bananas this morning. So different from those green, hard as a rock ones or squishy overripe ones we get in Italy.

Another peaceful, enjoyable, relaxed yet productive day. I love the pace here! We went to the Y, did a spot of food shopping, had lunch, read my book in the garden, did some work and recorded another song ... Catfish John.  

Sometimes we worry about life after Alohaland. Should we try to have our visas extended? Will we be happy in Grosseto? Should we change houses? We vacillate between thinking of the future and sweeping it to the side (much more conducive to enjoying the present!). Today I read a phrase that I really like: "In life there are no endings, just thresholds". Yes, I like that!!!

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