
By LifeinAlohaland

Whale spotting

The day got off to a wonderful start! We met up with Dean and Michael to hike up Makapu'u to see the whales. A beautiful morning, fine company, pleasant walk and ... we saw loads of whales! Okay, they were quite a way away from us, but we could definitely see them spouting and make out their black bodies skimming the surface. Well, let's say, we whale spotted rather than whale watched.

But just as we got home from that fun adventure, the weather changed (again!) and we're back to cool/cold weather and rain. Today marks the day my patience with this weather ran out. It's warmer in Grosseto, for heaven's sake!! Oh Alohaland, do something about this crazy weather!!!

So I read my book (which thankfully I'm really enjoying - Maya's Notebook, Isabel Allende), did a spot of work, played the uke with T and went over to Angie's for a while where we watched the congressional hearing (Cohen) ... go down, Trump, go down!! And my sweet and wonderful T had made some veggies for our dinner by the time I got back home. Very cozy!!!

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