
Cameraman had a very good Christmas present of this poster which was developed by Ordnance Survey and the University of Sheffield. Britain's islands larger than 5km2. It's a bit like the optician's chart; the big ones are easy to identify - Lewis & Harris, Skye, Mainland Shetland. The bottom row is trickier. The last of all is Oronsay (not sure which Oronsay). I'm fortunate to be able to say that I've been to all the Scottish ones in the first four rows with the exception of Sanday. And quite a few in the smaller rows too. I do like an island. Anyway the poster was framed and collected today. It's hanging in the hall just now but it might go elsewhere as it's quite big. Couldn't get rid of all the reflections unfortunately, despite closing doors, curtains, turning off all lights etc.

Change in the weather today. Quite a lot cooler and much cloudier. Still dry though so good enough to be out and about.

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