Crazy About Birds

By Kimb

Song Sparrow

I don't see song sparrows all that often. They live here year round, but they rarely come to my feeders for some reason. But I did briefly catch sight of one a few days ago grabbing a seed or two - but didn't manage to get the camera up in time to record the event. And then today on our walk as we were crossing the main road to head back down the field towards home I heard a song sparrow. After a bit of searching for the sound I found it in a tree and took a shot of it. Which I would have used for my blip today, except that this afternoon who/what should show up at the house and actually hang around long enough to get his photo taken but another song sparrow! So  you get the one I got closer to - albeit through glass.

Gradually the dawn chorus is tuning up! Spring is coming!

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