
By TBay

The Dinner & Dance.

Last night we headed for the Weston and Banwell Dinner and Dance which this year was held at a very nice Golf Club nice and close to us.

The Chairman Ben was very nervous about his role but after a few visits to see us and help from Sue, the President this year , he did an awesome job.

We had an excellent three course Beef Dinner and all the trimmings followed be a speech from our County President and then the Cup and Awards presentations. I am proud to say that my Goddaughter Jessica won the best club female member and James Godson, her Brother Tom, won the best male member award. A proud Mummy moment for the Club President, Sue, as they are her children!

It was one of those brilliant fun filled multi age events that Young Farmers do so well. After the formalities were over they then hit the dance floor for more fun.

Roll on next years D&D and to make it more exciting it will be to celebrate their 80 Anniversary!

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