Miss Alice's Drive

I was at Waddesdon Manor this morning.  I couldn't find where the meeting was that I needed to be at and, as it turned out, my meeting is tomorrow NOT today, so no wonder I couldn't find it.  Never mind - better than it being yesterday! 

Whilst there, I thought I would take a walk along a woodland area known as Miss Alice's drive - where Alice Rothschild used to go in her 'dog cart' to take in the fresh air when she was at the Manor.  It is now a managed woodland with areas to encourage wildlife.  Normally there isn't time in a 'volunteering' day for this sort of thing but today I had time and it was deserted.  At weekends it will be busier but, whilst everything is in its closed period, all is peaceful.

It is an area to which I have easy and frequent access so I must make the effort to revisit when there are leaves on the trees or a frost or other seasonal colours. I shall be back at Waddesdon tomorrow for the meeting that I thought was today!

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