
Not this old school toilet block but the acupuncture session I had in the old school premises to which they belong.
I'd gone into the session with a relaxing audio to listen to - I'd talked non-stop through the first session I had! Well it did not relax me - my stomach kept going into spasm, I couldn't regulate my breathing, I'd already started the session with a headache and there was a terrific wind and rain lashing down outside that mirrored my anxious state. By sheer will power I lasted the 20 minutes till he returned and slowly sat up once the needles were removed. I felt most weak and when I finally attempted to stand my legs felt so weak I dropped to the floor and my anxiety turned to near panic. I focused on getting dressed on the floor and finding the money for him. He said he'd never had anyone react in this way - usually they were so relaxed they fell asleep! I wish! Neither of us are sure this is right for me - I've booked another session but he said just phone if I change my mind. 
My headache got worse on my return and after having a sleep it was still there, so I phoned The exile to come get Oscar and took more tablets and slept with FatCat! Oscar and Ginger came at 7 and I dog sat them whilst The exile went to her singing group. A pleasant way to end the day!

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