
I grow hyacinths each year but they always disappoint in their blooms but thankfully not their smell! The blooms never really quite clear the foliage and they are never full like I see others. What am I doing wrong?!
I was also disappointed but not surprised by the state of the coop on going up to put the girls to bed. No one had tidied the plot of decaying greens and the husks of the corn I had given them, the water fountain was on it's side and empty from where I had used it to secure the metal sheeting when the water had frozen solid,  the other water bowl was half full and the hens would have really needed to dip their heads in to get to the water, and the addittional one I had found in the hen shed and  had put up hanging was empty. It goes without saying noone had cleared the poo trays or inside where I had put a lot of straw to keep them warm, and as straw had fallen down from the slats the trays were not even fully inside the coop. If nothing else I do expect the water bowls to be cleaned and filled. It was dark by the time I had finished the cleaning. I found six eggs in the nesting area - I didn't need them but was damned if I was going to leave any for the lazy arses! I can give them to friends! 

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