Meet Molly!

As you can see I went over to my parents and I remembered to take my camera so I could take photos of their new dog Molly!

As you can see, she's a little scruffball! She doesn't have as much fur as she really should, but she seemed to have grown a little more than she had on Thursday already!

She's a relaxed, friendly, happy character and is already at home with my mum and dad. Next week she'll be registered with a vet and they will give her the once over.

It would seem that her previous owner - an elderly lady who had to relinquish care of her due to failing eye-sight - loved her, but maybe was struggling to take care of her properly. She had a lead - 2 in fact - but seemed unused to being walked. She loves that already, and is starting to want to go further. I think the previous owner over-groomed her with a barbaric looking metal comb too, which can't have helped the lack of fur!

I thought she may pine for her former person, as dogs tend to be quite loyal, but she is so at home and happy now already. I guess her easygoing nature helps with that. 

I've watched some Rugby League today. My team are current champions but they have not started well this season. At all!

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