If you can't beat them...

By Jerra

Thistle Chapel - St Giles Cathedral.

Katkatkat has a Friday appointment in the city so we go along.  Often we head for St Giles Cathedral as there are plenty of blip opportunities and with the weather as it was there was another advantage.   Warmth and shelter from the wind.

We paid our very reasonable fee of £2 for permission to photograph things.  As an aside I do wonder why people using mobile phones don't seem to think they are taking photos, or at least don't seem to pay the fees required.

As we wandered round the gentleman who we had paid approached us asking if we had seen the Thistle Chapel.  When we replied in the negative he said wait I will get the key.  So taking us past a sign saying no tours scheduled he unlocked the door.   I was marvelling at the amount of skilled craft work and the time it must have taken, he told me the chapel was built in two years and came in under budget!

In view of our private viewing I felt I should use a shot from the chapel and this coat of arms seemed very appropriate and reflected some of the many skills in the building of the chapel.

I was rather horrified to discover that things were stolen from the chapel including at times the key and even an enamelled coat of arms had been prised off the wall.

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