Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Up close and personal

In general, the Mourning doves tend to be spooky, flying off at the slightest sign of trouble.  But, for reasons beyond my reckoning, this one flew up and landed not 5 feet from where I was standing on the patio.  I had been in the hide with my camera (with bupkes to show for it) and was standing literally in the middle of the patio.  Not a chance in the world this daft bird didn't see me.  So, I chatted a bit with it, as one does, while snapping a few close up shots.  A little crop, and blip done.

Hubs left for western Pennsylvania this morning, returning late tomorrow or Wednesday.  Missing him, but a short trip. 

Tomorrow is Tiny Tuesday - looking forward to seeing all the images!


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