Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

A walk in the snow...

You've probably noticed that I like these hi-key style images of birds in snow.  I love the isolation of the bird against the white background and the way the pale parts of the bird just blend in to the background.  In fact, this image didn't require much fartnarkling other than removing a few distracting elements and lightening some shadows on the snow.  The bird is one of our common winter residents, a White-throated Sparrow. I especially love their jaunty little yellow eye brows!

Hubs and I went for a walk in the park today - sort of a walk in the snow you might say.  The trail was plowed but we were surrounded by fields and forests covered in deep snow still.  Across the expanses of field, you could see the tracks of wildlife as well as cross-country skiers.  And in the forest, there were (sadly) a number of downed branches and even trees.  Still, it was an enjoyable (if cold) 2 miles walk.

Last night a friend who lives about 10 miles from us had her first bear-raid of the year.  She spotted a large male after dark, making off with a bird feeder.  She went out to shoo it along, but it was back a half-hour later.  Very early for bears to be out - hoping we don't see any on our property for a while yet.  

Stopped by the farm to check on the chickens and gather some more eggs.  Have I mentioned that I love chickens?  I just love those soft little noises they make.  The one red hen who's rather mean was off the nest so I was able to scoop up her eggs without having to arm myself.  Tomorrow I'll bring some meal worms with me, making sure I give the smallest speckled hen (the owner's favorite) some just for herself.  She actually jumps up in the air when she sees the bag of dried mealworms - so adorable.  Can't imagine how much she'll enjoy live, squiggly worms!

Off to enjoy some time with MIL who is here for Sunday dinner.  I'm making a fritatta with leeks, mushrooms, tomatoes and goat cheese - good way to use up some of those eggs!


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