
By LifeinAlohaland

Pondering the pond

Who would have thought that the first film I would see at the cinema here in Alohaland was in Italian? But so it was. A friend, Yvette, who had lived her adolescent years in Italy, invited us (and Angelo and Marcia) to see "Lasciati andare" at the Jewish Film Festival in Honolulu, at the Doris Duke Theatre. We were a little sceptical about the film, but it turned out to be really quite good, and very comical (which the Italians don't normally do so well).

We first met for lunch at a very nice, dare I say, Italian restaurant and then went to the film. The photo is of a pond in a garden at the Honolulu Museum right next to the theatre.

Oh and we drove into Honolulu in Angelo's Tesla. OMG! What an experience! I have no interest in cars at all, but it must be said that the Tesla gives a smooth ride!! And it all happens out of a computer!!

We finished off the day, inviting Angelo and Marcia for a pasta dinner chez nous. A fun day!!

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