Love is.......

Chasing your brother through all the puddles and trying to savage each other! They'd be lost without each other......honest!!!

My old battered Uggs have finally bitten the dust......a walk over the water-logged park soon made me realise this. I've been holding on and denying it, but their time has come to go to shoe heaven.

Today has been a sorting day, the dressing room has been cleaned, organised and a few bits thrown (I don't need five pairs of slippers when two have threadbare soles). We have just steam cleaned the kitchen floor - do not even contemplate cream grout if you are tiling! Ewwwwwww. Mum has been put to good use and cleaned down the skirting (or wainscoting as she calls it!).

Tonight we are off to my brothers for dinner - hmmmmmm how long will it take us to wind each other up - I will be getting squiffy with my lovely sis in law.

Right, a few more Christmas cards to right and a nice cup of tea :)

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