Weather window

I managed to walk Poppydog in a wonderful sunny interval. Actually, the weather has been better than forecast but it's still far too wet to get onto our slope of slippery mud and do rock picking - I think we would be on our bottoms most of the time!

LH had to see the podiatrist who declared he had flat feet which are getting flatter and has given him some foot exercises. One of them involves moving the sole muscles to make the foot arch - without clenching the c toes ... I couldn't do it, couldn't even sense that I have sole muscles tbh so perhaps I'd better join the foot gym with him!

A very satisfying couple of hours rooting out rubbish blown up by storms on the foreshore. Mostly the remains of fishing tackle but also canisters for oil or detergent, ubiquitous black plastic from silage bales, indestructible sweet wrappers, a feeding trough made from a big plastic barrel ... and the life belt for a boat that lives locally which seems mostly intact ;-)

Sewing tonight was again sociable and informative and very cheerful with the usual mix of mostly knitters or crocheters, plus an embroiderer and yours truly quilting. Two of the Weds group had finished their bags which look absolutely splendid - I'm so proud of them!

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