Spring Daffies

There’s nothing like some sunshine to make a spot of cleaning more acceptable; it wasn’t so much spring cleaning as just ordinary everyday filth cleaning. Not surprisingly, being in single occupancy of a home induces a feeling of ‘if not I, then who ?’ I suppose I could engage a cleaner, but I am not comfortable with paying someone to do what I tell them.

I managed to get some fluff and dust removed before the first heavy shower of the day lessened my enthusiasm and before I went out to have lunch with some cycling friends, rendered static because of the bad weather.

I found myself almost agreeing to go cycling with them in Fife at the end of next month. It’s a few years since I cycled with anyone other than His Lordship and I admit to being a bit anxious about the whole group thing. The worst scenario would be to be absolutely exhausted and not able to keep up. I may have to do a bit of early morning cycle training once the weather gets a bit more clement.

Now I can forget all that as I meet up with some neighbours for a glass of something in the local hotel. TGIF indeed!

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