
Near where we live there used to be mills along the Water of Leith. There's very little left now, but Mr A has regularly photographed this sluicegate. As the building works have progressed, the sluicegate has been inaccessible to all but the most intrepid climbers, but a couple of days ago the area around it was cleared, and some of the fencing taken down. We needed no further invitation at the end of our morning potter.

In fact, that potter was supposed to be a cycle ride, but when we took the bikes out in the hall, it turned out that Mr A's wasn't rideable. He fixed it this afternoon, and we took a shorter turn around the paths (instead of cycling to Cramond as planned). It was long enough for him to have a bit of fun with his new toy - a GoPro, which is now mounted on the handlebars.

Other than that, we've been busy getting ready to leave tomorrow, and also sorting out the flat a bit as L and his future father-in-law are coming whilst we are away, to watch a rugby match.

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