Hartland peninsula

Up and out a little bit earlier today, and we drove to the most north-westerly point of Devon, the Hartland peninsula.  We were trying to do a walk in my guide book, but couldn't see anywhere to park where it suggested starting from, so instead we drove through some very narrow (and thankfully mostly empty) country lanes to Hartland Quay.  It was absolutely stunning there!  We set out south along the coast, happily gobsmacked by the beautiful views.  

We spotted some steep steps down to a very rocky beach near Speke's Mill Mouth waterfall, so after some lunch on a bench up above that, we wandered down for an explore.  The coastline here is simply amazing - layers of rock pushed up at all crazy angles - and we spent a good long time clambering about and marvelling at it all.

Came back up to the path, only to find a load of cows had suddenly appeared, so we made a hasty retreat back to the car, rather than trying to push on any further (through some rather suspicious looking mothers with their calves).

Drove back to the apartment for a bit of a rest and a shower, before heading out for a very tasty dinner at Relish Bar & Bistro.  Had a quick look at the harbour afterwards (and got a couple of photos, of course), then went back to the apartment again to process the many photos I took today!

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