Well this is going to be fun

An entry for Silly Saturday with thanks to admirer for hosting.

The hall and stair carpet have had it. We decided to keep them in situ while Flora was at her most incontinent. Things have moved on in that department thank goodness and after much carpet discussion we've decided to strip the stair and not cover it. This might be the silliest and messiest decision yet made in our time living in the house. It might also end up the noisiest but we'll see. I think the stair will look good as the stripped wood in the house is a lovely warm colour.

Here is the naked staircase showing the fashions in the past 130 years - broader and narrower runners, varnish, woodstain and paint and grippers for the threadbare fitted carpet which we've just lifted. Committed now!

Into Glasgow this morning for a bit of retail which was quite successful but happy to be home now.

Sending positive thoughts and thanks to the marchers in London today.

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