Told You So!

Looking after Ginger again as The Exile had an interview at a school. She told me that the previous evening Ginger had given her a fright - chased a cat in the dark and leapt /dropped down a 6 foot wall. Luckily she was ok and The Exile managed to clamber down through the brambles to retrieve her. Now this is the same 6 foot drop that I had been worried about with Oscar. It is on someones property which has no gate and Oscar became very interested snuffling around near the drop after he and his dog friend Teddy went racing in there. The day after he went in, he went in again when I was with The Exile and I had to go and retrieve him as he would not come, and I explained I feared he would drop over the edge. She didn't roll her eyes but her expression said it all - I was worrying unnecessarily, of course he wouldn't!  Even so I make certain he is on his lead when we walk pass this place!   Once The Exile has made up her mind she is intransient and has a way of making you feel your views are unfounded / ill thought out / plain wrong! I don't mind a healthy discussion but I do mind being talked over and dismissed! So "Ha!" Very relieved Ginger was ok and very pleased I was right about dogs not realising such a danger existed! 

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