Down by the river.....

Hubby was heading to the airfield for a few quick jobs so I took the opportunity to get dropped by the local river.

I couldn't believe how baron it had become since my last visit, the yellow and white broom has completely finished flowering, the yellow lupins are on the way out with the remaining few sending a slight sweet fragrance drifting by on a lazy breeze. A couple of pale cream foxgloves are in bud but it was the vibrance of the californian poppy which caught my eye.

The river was quietly meandering along, looking quite refreshing as the hot sun poured down upon me, 29C is way to hot to be out in the heat of the day. I noted how low the river is and how far I had to walk to get to it, over quite a large riverbed before reaching any water.

Not many birds around, just a couple of Pied Stilts, one was sitting lazing in the sun while the other stood in the coolness of the river. The nesting season must be over as the board which advises people could no longer be seen.

Many thanks to you all for your get well wishes for my migraine, I'm feeling so much better today even though its terriably hot. Your all so kind leaving such lovely words for my little bee yesterday, he was rather cute I thought. Thank you for your stars and so many hearts, I'm chuffed to be on the spotlight page, glad you all enjoyed it :))

Time for an afternoon cuppa and must start wrapping a few gifts, really hoping Hubby and I will have a day out tomorrow :)

Have a wonderful week leading up to Christmas :)

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