
I have some Back-blipping to do. Not as much as you might expect however... what with one thing and another, there has been little time with the camera. 

We have been back to the UK for a few weeks and returned home yesterday. Spring has definitely sprung whilst we have been away. The verges are full of wild flowers once more and lambs are out in the fields.  This no great photo but I wanted to grab this patch of flowers as it had Violets, Pulmonaria (Lungwort) and Cowslips all together. Other verges have become a vivid constellation of yellow stars as the Aconites outshine their paler Cowslip cousins. In the hedgerows, the Blackthorns are frothing up nicely, with their white blossom showing well.

It is good to be home.

Backblips follow as and when

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