It's a mystery???

Look what came through the post for my very lovely owner, Ann, today.......................... A 'Mother's Day' card from me!

Ann has never had a Mothers Day card before because she is not a mother so she was delighted to get one from me. The only trouble is......................... the writing on the card and envelope is very neat and I'm only four and a half months old. I'm very clever but Ann is pretty sure that I had to have help writing it. The trouble is............................ I can't remember who helped me. So Ann hasn't a clue who to thank.

Anyway the card has pride of place on the mantle-piece and Ann would like to say a big thank you to whoever it was that was thoughtful enough to help me write it?!

PS – Ann's nephews & niece normally cook their mummy a yummy, scrummy meal on Mothers Day. I wonder if anyone is going to help me cook Ann a yummy, scrummy meal on Sunday? Lol, lol, lol!

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