Dalkeith Country Park & 5 hours in my crate!!

This morning Ann took me to 'Dalkeith Country Park' so that I could have a run around and do some training on my long lead. It's brilliant there and what made it even better.................... I met another 4 month old collie called Bella who was doing some training on a long lead.

Bella's long lead was 100 metres long. That's a bit excessive. You can't begin to imagine how tangled up we all got. It was great fun playing with Bella. We were zooming around all over the place. Ann wanted to Blip us together but we were both too super speedy so the photos didn't come out very well. We'll put one in extras.

After Bella left, I had to do some training. I'm getting ever so good at coming straight to Ann when she shouts, 'Trixie come'. I always get tasty treats when I do what I'm told and today I got little bits of cheese. Yum!

This afternoon Ann had two 'meet & greets' to do. She could have come home for half an hour in between them but she wanted to go shopping in the M&S discount shop (she bought a sweater & a Tshirt for £6.98. Bargain!) and TK Max wants to extend the time that I am left home alone. I was left home alone for 5 hours. That's probably the longest that Ann will ever leave me in my crate during the day so she was very happy when she came home and found me snoozing. A morning in 'Dalkeith Country Park' had worn me out and also, Ann gave me a kong filled with cheese spread to keep me amused for a while. Yum!

The famous MollyCollie had a crate when Ann first got her (and she loved her crate more than me) but Ann often came home to find all her bedding shredded. I haven't shredded anything yet because I am a perfect pooch!

Today has been a good day!!

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