The front lawn

I have a front lawn. It's quite a different look to before when there was compacted bare patches and a mix of dead and struggling lawn.

Now I have to water it twice a day until it's growing well. Think of me outside with my head lamp early in the morning making sure it gets a drink before I head to work.

It was so windy this evening I'm not sure what I watered, possibly the front of the house and the roof.

What you can't see is the grass verge to the left. Kei ordered half a scoop of topsoil to complete the base for the lawn. The truck arrived but the driver missed the point, as point 5 of a scooo and delivered 5 cubic metres.


Fortunately Kei stopped him when about 3 cubic metres had filled my small front area. Only what was ordered was paid for and the driver said "oh, you can have it for free".

Kei has taken roughly 1 cubic metre in his big trailer. I have about 1 square metre on the grass verge, and the rest is under the grass.

I'll water it to stop it blowing away. Hopefully next week my friend who sculptured the cloud tree will plant it. He'll incorporate most of the soil into his plan for planting it and the rest will end up in the garden.

Today's gratitude: For the live broadcast today's remembrance service. I played it on one screen will I did some easy tasks on the other screen. I found it helpful and hopeful.

Salaam alaikum.

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