
Yesterday afternoon was all about getting the vege garden in the best shape so it can keep on producing.

Just before lockdown my garden designer dropped off some new plants for the garden. Yesterday I soaked them all in seaweed tea. Today I planted the 3 euphorbia robbiae in middle garden at the front.

It was the usual work out on the end of the crowbar, prising stones and breaking clay deeper down. It's good to have them in the ground as they were root bound in their pots.

I also weeded the left side of the driveway. I couldn't complete it before the rain set in and despite that I feel pleased and satisfied with what I achieved.

The euphorbias in the foreground love it here. It's not an easy spot as it's dry and gets a lot of wind. They're a great replacement for the original dianellas originally planted here. When we're through this, I'll replace the dianellas by the letterbox with euphorbias.

Today's gratitude: For the sense of renewal spending time in my garden gave me todaym

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