Losing the Will to Live

It seems that I am not the only one losing the will to live, having listened to all the Brexit chaos over the months and years. Peppa Pig has had enough too and has seen fit to throw herself out her prom.

It has been a lean time on the blip front today, but quite a sociable one. Contini’s in George Street saw me having a spartan coffee with a school friend this morning. It’s amazing how long one can spin out a coffee in a civilised setting, and now that I think about it, there were absolutely no students with laptops occupying tables.

Later in the afternoon, I met up with 3 neighbours for a glass of wine in the local hostelry giving us time to discuss any possible gossip. This is becoming a regular get together which I look forward to at the end of the week.

Other than these events there is little to report from the home front. The little light dusting, the minimalist ironing, the speedy soup making, the slow knitting and the bed changing are too boring to merit further mention.

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