Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

..We'll overlook the poor table manners

When you look this good, it seems okay to overlook table manners that are, at times, questionable. Besides, I have it on good authority that the Mrs rather likes the whiff of safflower on his breath.

Another murky day - foggy, cold, damp. So this picture was taken from INSIDE the house where it is warm and dry and cozy. I have several flower baskets that are mounted on our deck railing which become impromptu "tray feeders" in the winter. Cardinals prefer feeding either on the ground or from open tray feeders, so I am sometimes treated to a cardinal right outside the window - and what's not to like about that?

The squirrels are still up to no good - I saw them skulking around the corn feeders this morning and sussing out the seed feeders. However, they despise safflower seeds, so the cardinal, titmice, chickadees and finches are free to dine at their leisure without the interference of fuzzy-faced beasts. For now. (Cue Ominous Music....)

By the way, if you want to see an entire tree full of cardinals, check out Legacy's Christmas Tree! You've got to love that!

Thanks for sending my Downy Woodpecker to the Spotlight yesterday. All four of the downies were at the feeders when I got up this morning. I wonder if the parents will allow the "kids" to stay next summer when the mating season starts, or if they'll run them off. I guess all will be revealed soon enough.

Eight days until ... you know what.


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