Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

I fell for this Zinnia. I want them in my 'garden'. :)
My workday begun and ended in 5 sec, it seams like... We now have lice killing duty on Monday mornings. We don't want to sell plants that also inhabits lice... When I arrived they were almost finished, but I jumped in and managed to find 1 lice and one other adorable little creature about 2 millimeters long. Later, when I was topping Tagetes plants I also found a little spider, also about 2 millimeter long. He/she was wondering around on my pinky nail and didn't want to walk over to a leaf even though I encouraged him with words. My colleagues looked at me, wondering if I had gone bonkers... But, I explained to them, and the spider finally decided that the leaf was better and I could go back to work. 
My boss called me over to show me that the cacti was blossoming. Such cute flowers! I told her about a large round cacti with sharp thorns, than my friend had spotted at the Botanical Garden yesterday. It's name was 'Mother in-law pillow' and we had a laugh. When I talked to her later on I told her that I wanted to try and work 3 hours on Fridays too. She thought that excellent news! So, on Friday I'm working. Since I have the opportunity to work out in the Greenhouse gym, I don't need to have Fridays off. 
Doing deadlifts in work trousers wasn't a good idea at all... I'm rethinking that and have I a plan. I posted that shot on Fb and one of my gym buddies thought I had way to little weight on! :D Physiotherapy, I had to remind him. Not for strength training, for rehabilitation. :D 25 kg isn't much, but it's good for getting the 'hang of' the movement.

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