We shall see?

Garden Centre day. 
The one which, for some inexplicable reason, takes umbrage at the very IDEA of you taking a photo; it didn't stop me sneaking the odd one - this is NOT it, I/we bought some Tomato plants.
This is an impulse buy on my part; I'm quite partial to the odd bit of fudge now and then, but what struck me was the combination of "PLASTIC FREE" coupled with the claim/statement that it was all compostable.
I can see that the paper/card would be so; I can also understand that reverting to the "old fashioned" Raffia (or similar) in lieu of Plastic would work; it's the celluloid-looking bit I was a tad dubious of.
Chances are if I bung it into my "Earthmaker"© I'll never see it again anyway.
Arise Sir HOWEVER!
I have a Can-o-Worms© also, which is both much smaller and much more watchable - SO - as I said at kick-off:-
"We shall see."

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