I know it's early but...

Happy Easter!

Another store A-Board, and another quick phone-shot on the way to the station. Days when I'm at work and at my parents' leave no time for fannying around with my camera. I thought about taking my camera to work and hoping for a pretty evening sky. but there's no guarantees, and if it did happen during a busy spell it would just annoy me!

All reasonably OK over there again. My Dad's decided he wants to get his white shirts washed and ironed. He was going to do them himself, but I've said I will do them on Saturday, so long as he doesn't stand there and try to tell me how to do it!

He laughed and said there'd be no chance of that since he doesn't know how to iron. But then he said Estelle-next-door had done them once and had not made a good job, but the man who lives near the car-garage and is ex Army always has perfect shirts with razor-sharp creases in all the right places! I said mine are more likely to be like Estelle's since I've not ironed a thing since Jae left school, and suggested he may like to offer the ex-squaddie £1 a shirt to do them instead!

The shirts were whirling around in the washing machine when I left for the train, and I will be ironing them Saturday. He says he will get me some spray-starch! I doubt I'll be asked a second time... 

Maybe part of the reason I am such an under-achiever is that I grew up believing that there was one very narrowly defined way to do something right and an infinity of ways to royally bollocks it up, so there was little point trying - especially as it had to be right first time or you would not get another chance!

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