Never Drink on the Job

It says a lot when the only blip taken today is a photo of a tulip in its death throes. Not that it was a day without incident, although at this point in time after a glass of wine with my neighbours in the local hostelry and a post prandial tumbler of raspberry gin and tonic water prepared by granddaughter Robynn, I am in no state to remember much.

There was a further counselling session in the morning and a lunch time finishing off of my Shetland beanie ( which will be the obvious blip for tomorrow after it is dried and stretched over a bowl in the airing cupboard).
Then a lovely young couple planning a cycle trip to Barcelona in the summer came this afternoon to look at and perhaps buy His Lordship’s faithful bicycle. They left to think it over during the weekend. I think HL would have liked it to go to them. We’ll see .

Robynn and I enjoyed a meal at Söderberg tonight- pizza for her and a roast halloumi salad for me. Delicious. My other granddaughter was meant to be joining us but a plumbing disaster prevented that.

And the moral of this tale is- never try to type while under the ‘influence’ even if it’s only a small glass of wine and a tumbler of gin and tonic.

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