Good Times

Furry Memories - - from left to right:

Henley Bear: Worked for a purveyor of foods in Henley for a couple of years. The company belonged to the loveliest couple. When the regatta was on we watched and picnicked (the full works, champagne, salmon etc.) on their lawn overlooking the Thames’, and enjoyed a trip on their traditional Henley wooden boat. Henley Bear is a momento of a blissful day.

Southampton Captain: Stayed in Southampton for a couple of nights over Xmas, to celebrate chez bro & sis-in-law (recently returned to our fair land). First Xmas in their new home here.

My beloved Coco: My favourite dog ever along with my never to be forgotten Muszka (that was a lifetime ago). Coco belonged to a couple nearby and we ended up fetching her and her mum Bonny every weekday. She left for doggy paradise 2 years ago. Ikea’s grey poodle keeps her memory alive.

Conran Scruffy Dog: We became good friends with A in Gozo She divided her year between Gozo and Berlin. On a visit to see us we ended up in the Conran Shop. She noticed I was fond of this dog, said she was going to the Ladies. Instead she had secretly bought me Scruffy Dog as a gift.

ty bear: Italy for the World Cup: 2002 and
”the Italians fell victim to an unbelievable litany of refereeing errors”. Was good until the woes started.

Berlin Knut Bear: A few years ago we popped into see A in Berlin and I just had to buy a Knut bear (sadly the real Knut died shortly after). I love Berlin, so it’s sad we don’t fly now - and can’t cope with train strikes and delays (frequently encountered, mainly tho’ involving the French)- otherwise would take the train. I worked in a Berlin ‘pub’ for a few weeks when I was 17 or so!
Haven’t sat down again (well slight exaggeration). Routine Blood test a.m., Lunch at Twelve (the vegan), return single vision prescription glasses as can’t get on without varifocals, now friend for dinner - 9pm he’s just leaving. Clear the table and then going to watch the news in bed

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