Infrared Landscape

A sunny day today although quite a cool breeze. We had a leisurely breakfast before leaving the site and heading for our first destination of the day.  John fancied the Bovington Tank Museum.  I had already been there on a previous trip so not keen on seeing it again - I stayed in the van with Pepper whilst he went around.  We then moved on to Golden Cap - a scenic area of National Trust land on the coast where the trees are very gnarled and widswept.  The sun gave beautiful light but the wind was definitely chilly.  We enjoyed the walk and I played around with some infrared photography.

A last stop at a disused station I found on an UrbEx website.  We didn't have long here as we needed to get to our next site and the station was now private property so I couldn't really explore easily.  I did manage a few images by peering through non-private windows and viewing from a footbridge over the railway (still a very active line although only single track with an express train zooming through). An extra of a derelict platform with a hint of the modern line - with a bit more time I think I could have managed to access this.

Another night in the countryside before heading on to MInehead tomorrow to meet up with the rest of the family for a week of fun together.  I'm sure we'll find a few things to see on the way!

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