Rose Moon

I was late to bed anyway last night but, looking out and seeing a stunning moon, I just had to get out the gear so I was even later to bed.  I had to give it a go but, to be honest, it is almost impossible to do justice to the sight with normal camera gear.  The moon was distinctly rose-coloured and spectacular.  I did my best.  This was taken very early so counts as today's blip - I'm not even looking out of the window tonight!  I am fed up with bees and the moon - until tomorrow!

ZOOM BLIPMEET - Monday 13th 3.30 pm (BST) for anyone interested.  I'll post a Zoom link in my journal here tomorrow - so just join in.  We will imagine we have been to a blipmeet in a garden somewhere and, in true blipmeet style, we will gather for afternoon tea at 3.30 before going our separate ways home.  If we are not too technologically challenged, we may be able to share our screens and show one of the images we've managed to take in this garden

As not everyone reads my journal, please pass on the link to any of your followers who may like to tag along.  Hope to see many of you on Monday.

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