
Virgin Media's advert featuring the world's (almost) best 100m runner. Geddit? 

Seen on the side of a Virgin Media trailer in Loughborough today. Double exposure because the bolt on its own was not enough.

Went shopping in M&S today for goodies to take to this weekend's photograph workshop lunchtime breaks. NO salads in Tesco suitable for a coeliac except for a Tuna Nicoise which had seen decidedly better days if the lettuce was anything to go by.

Judged People competition at Leicester and Leicestershire Photographic Society's exhibition this evening. Was extremely gratified when a lady rushed out of the room as I was leaving to thank me for being such a good judge. Makes it worthwhile.

Len and Basil not back from Leicester yet even though it's gone 11 pm. LCFC lost to Newcastle. How, I don't know.

Oh, and I went to the dental implant specialist in Coalville this morning. £20000 to build me new teeth with implants. The bone density of my jaw being so rotten. I shall have to have all my front teeth out.

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