The Dream

The Dream is a 20 metre high sculpture representing a girl meditating, and is located at the summit of the old Sutton Manor colliery in St Helens.  I went years ago and blipped it at the time, but have kept meaning to go back and I showed Scarlett a picture of it yesterday and she wanted to go and see it.

We parked up on the road and walked through the parkland up to the top of the hill, and it's quite a sight when you approach it and it see the face rising out from the trees - Scarlett gasped and ran towards it, and of course she had plenty of questions as to how it was built etc.  I really like the saying on the information board 'When we dream, anything is possible'.

We were there early so it was very quiet, but some runners appeared and stopped to have a look and take some photos so I offered to take a photo of the three of them, and they returned the favour by taking some photos of us. 

At lunch time we went to pick Violet up from nursery and drove to Stockton Heath for lunch - nice place, but service was appalling and we waited about an hour for our food which isn't great with little people.  Then after lunch we nipped into town as the girls had some money off Alan's mum instead of Easter eggs, so they wanted to go and spend it ;-)

Tonight I  came to Alison's as it's her 50th birthday next week, so we had a little celebration and I'm staying overnight and then heading home in the morning.  I brought champagne to celebrate and we ordered an Indian takeaway - it's been nice catching up.

I'm heading home in the morning and it's now after midnight so I need to go to sleep.  Have a good weekend and I'll catch up with you when I get home.

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