Capital adventures

By marchmont

Towards the end of homelessness

Scotland is leading the way in the UK and Europe with policies to end homelessness. In 12 days the concept of 'priority need' will end and everyone in Scotland who is unintentionally homeless will be entitled to accommodation. However, a roof over your head is not the same as a home and many people, both families and single people end up for months in temporary accommodation.

Last night, at the Scottish Parliament, Crisis launched the Scottish Homelessness Monitor, a report on detailed research into the causes of homelessness in Scotland. Today Shelter Scotland had an event outside the Parliament to highlight the fact that 5,300 Scottish children will be spend Christmas in temporary accommodation.

Good though the progress has been in Scotland the likelihood is that UK wide changes coming next year may make the situation worse.

There is still a lot of work to be done.

I was very pleased our event last night was inside - these elves were freezing today.

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