Go Woody!

Lorraine, Rebecca and myself went for breakfast at White Cliffs Cafe this morning and we got there just after it had opened at 9am, so we were the first customers which was good.  I had Eggs Benedict while Rebecca had Eggs Royal and Lorraine had a full English, the chef is French and the quality of the food and the presentation is fantastic.

We then  set off to watch the Brighton Marathon and walked along the undercliff walk to Ovingdean, climbed the steps up to the coast road and pitched ourselves in the same spot as last year between miles 8 and 9.  It's a good spec as you can see the runners coming down the hill from Roedean and then they run past where we were stood into Ovingdean and then turn back, so we could then see them on their return leg.  Rebecca ran the Manchester marathon last weekend, and her niece was running today as well as some of R’s running buddies.  Rachel, one of the solicitors that I used to work for was also running, as was Woody Cook, the son of Norman Cook (Fat Boy Slim) and Zoe Ball, so we had a few people to look out for. Rebecca had downloaded the App and logged everyone so we could track them and knew when they'd reach our point.  We timed our arrival well and were there to see the first runner, who I've since found out went on to win with a time of 2 hours, 16 minutes and 23 seconds!  

I love seeing the runners who do it in costumes, although I really don't know how they run like that - my favourites today were a dinsaour and a rhino - see my extras, however, my blip today had to be Woody.

Once we'd seen everyone that we had on our list we walked back to Rottingdean along the coast road, and then cut back onto the undercliff to Saltdean.  Rebecca and Lorraine dropped me back home and then they set off - Rebecca had a quick turnaround as she's heading to the Lake District this afternoon with her family for a weeks' holiday.  Anyway, they had a good run as Lorraine has just text to say they made it back in 3 hours.

Alan's been busy jet washing the decking and the fence this afternoon, as we're going to spend the Easter weekend painting the fence and re-staining the decking ready for putting the garden furniture out.  I took the boys out for a walk and then went through my photos, and emailed a copy of Woody's photo to Norm. 

It's been lovely and sunny today, but it's bitter cold and I can't sit outside, so I'm going to go and sit in the Palace now and try and catch up on your journals.  Lamb shanks are in the slow cooker for dinner so it's ready once Alan's finished the decking.

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