Saturday Blooms

From 09.45 to 16.15, AW had a bridge drive with good friend and Monday partner H (the one who had the stroke last year).  From what I heard later in the evening, they had a good day.  The fun is what it's all about.  Sometimes, though, AW and partner finish in the top 5 and bring home either flowers, fruits, or wine.

As for me, guess what?  I worked.  Yes, a gorgeous day and I could have spent all of it outside, but there was the niggling work of marking and posting and I thought to finish one class, and I did, except for one group who have yet to upload their videoed pitch.  When that was done, decided to return to Media Markt to change the 5T external drive because it wasn't functioning as it should have (it's been to France and back but who needs to know).  First mailed a little package to the Countess (a USB with loads of tulip shots), and then discovered I forgot the receipt of the external drive, so back home to fetch it.  By the time I was done at Media Markt, the weather had turned too cold to visit the bulb fields, which I've long been wanting to do.  To make up for it, took a shot at the huge tulips growing in gigantic pots all around the shopping area.  This shopping area, called a 'woonboulevard', focuses only on interior decoration and everything for your house, so IKEA is here but also carpet and curtain shops, lamp shops, bedroom and bathroom shops, electronics, floors, tiles, kitchens, and so on.  There are 'woonboulevards' in many of the main cities in the country, away from the city centre (so no parking fees ... yet).  There is also a scattering of snack bars and coffee corners in case you've shopped and dropped.

No chatting with the Countess tonight.  Her husband just returned from his business trip and I hope she has a quiet night.

I'll be bulb-field-hunting tomorrow!

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